Support Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen and give Refugees a chance to a new and save life!

My donation

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Why donate?

Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen actively supports asylum seekers and refugees since 1987, together with 30 member organizations and a great many enthusiastic volunteers.

We use all donations to defend the rights of refugees and asylum seekers. We provide them with shelter. We assist them in the asylum procedure and in building a new life. Make a donation and give refugees the chance of a safe life.

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* Required Fields (this information is mandatory to issue your tax receipt)

We respect your privacy

Your contact details will only be used for internal purposes, to inform you of our campaigns and enable us to send you your tax receipt.

Vluchtelingenwerk Vlaanderen does not share or trade your personal information with other associations.

My payment

Highly secure payments using 256-bit SSL encryption method, the highest security standard.


Credit card


100% Secure Payment

All banking information to process the payment is encrypted using ssl.

If you have any questions about your payment, please don’t hesitate to contact us: